Monday, March 12, 2007

My Dad's Special Day

My dad just came through a very long journey that could have ended his life but because of his strong will and his determination to get better, he made it through and celebrated his 87th birthday. Lindsay, my brother Bill, and I went to Old Country Buffet (brave aren't we?) and not only did he have a nice dinner, but they announced his name and everyone came up to him to wish him Happy Birthday. There were many senior citizens there and one came up with his World War II hat on and that sparked a conversation about that war. The gentleman was actually at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and my dad was in Europe. Word spread and some folks came up and shook his hand and said thank you for serving our country. Now that was a very proud moment and it showed in his eyes. Here are some pics I hope you enjoy of his very special day.

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