Sunday, January 7, 2007

Lesson Learned

First of all, I had the added gift of attending GCC this morning with my son. He is feeling anxiety about his arm and the limitations he is facing for quite a while during the healing process. Please keep his recovery and him in your prayers during this time. There is a prayer written on the floor of the church under the new carpeting asking God to help both of my sons find Jesus. I am hoping that he is taking steps towards fullfilling that prayer.

Pastor Rob's message really hit a home run with me today! Rob drew a diagram showing boxes with each aspect of our lives all nice and neat in a row with a center square containing God right in the middle touching each of those neat little boxes. To anyone else the touching boxes might represent a balanced life. If he had not gone any further, I would have felt that my life and that diagram were in sinc in a good way. When Rob went on to show the wheel with the center hub being the strength for the whole wheel of spokes and that center hub being Jesus, well, it all came together in a crystal clear picture. It also showed how the nice boxes all in a row did not represent God's plan for us.

Isn't it amazing how we think we have all the answers and then in 20 minutes, clarification can change everything. Isn't it a blessing that Granger Community Church provides a source of clarification so we can make every minute of our lives count. Every day we are blessed with minutes that can pass and never be seen again or.... minutes that can impact life for hours and hours. I get it.

This morning's message sent me on a path to change my life from squares to a wheel so that from now until the end of my minutes I can have the strength of Jesus Christ as the center of my world and that each spoke I now have and each spoke I will add to my wheel will be stronger and centered on my hub....Jesus.


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