Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Leaf it to a six year old"

Sometimes...even when you are having pain in the must take care of responsibilities such as leaf pickup in your yard. I am going to the Dr. tomorrow but I figured Dawson and I could do some of it prior to me being told not to.

I had no help because Lindsay is in San Francisco on business and well, we won't go into why I get no other help. Dawson was a big helper due to the big reward being dangled in front of him. Jumping in the ginormous leaf pile was certainly worthy of the work to get to that point. Once we were ready......he climbed on top of the big rock in the front and jumped several times while I tried to capture the jumps midstream. Poor thing had to jump several times.....and then we buried him in the leaves. Here are some pictorial highlights of leaf pickup, 2007.

Little D in the leaves
Look at that little face.....reminds me of E.T. in the toy

Get ready....set....


1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Isn't that why you have guy neighbors ;)