Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bye Bye Fly!

Part of my job is to train and teach associates in my territory how to do things and how to find things. So I am sitting with two owners and we are at a desk around a computer. I was side to side with one and the other one was behind me. The one behind me is a card...and comes out with quips all the time. I am attempting to show them where something was located and he said one of his little gag lines and I, without looking, swiped my hand back and smacked him on his forearm. He didn't say anything so the other owner and I turned to him and there it was. I had killed a fly on his arm when I smacked it... All of us were sitting there with our mouths open for the longest time and then hysterics broke out and all was lost in the concentration.

I couldn't look at him without him breaking into laughter.

It was just a funny, funny visit. Who would have thought that a random swat could be a dead on target to a fly. Go Figure!

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