Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Forward Statement

At a leadership event, I had some pretty amazing revelations. I can't go into them here because it is information that I can't share with everyone so let's just say that my first sentence really covers it. Some surprised me....some enlightened me.....and some alarmed me.

With respect to these revelations I wanted to share something I heard the other day. I heard some lyrics that were quite powerful. They come from a surprising source, High School Musical Two, and it is within a song sung by two teens who have not only found each other but have found talents within them that they never were able to act on. The lyrics that caught my attention goes something like this:

"I don't know where this is all headed, but it starts where you are right now".

Looking back on any situation is only a good thing if you can reflect on better execution, better ways of handling it, more character, accomplishing something because of it, or sharing to inspire. Otherwise, it is simply wallowing.

Are you using the past as a vehicle to go forward.? Are you basing your worth on how many people you can demean, squash, or ridicule? Are you leading with love and empathy or are you caught up with power as a power? Are you a good spouse and or friend? Are you wanting always it to be about you? Are your values where they need to be?

These are all questions that every person should ask themselves. Everyone of us leads someone, whether it's kids, friends, or co workers. Leadership looks different depending on who is wearing the jacket.

People are always watching you. What do you look like to others?

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