Thursday, April 12, 2007

Its Black or White...Right or Wrong...

God does not work in the color "gray".

Are you a Christian or are you playing at being one? Are you going through the motions of being one or do you "walk the talk" all the time? Do you put your feelings before that of others? Are you selfish and self-centered? Do you justify the wrong you do by playing the cards of "confused", "frustrated", "searching", and hurt others with no regard to how they feel? Do you say one thing to someone's face and then turn around and do the opposite? Do you tell someone endearing things and then turn around and tell someone else the exact same thing? Are responsibilities not your "thing" because you don't want to grow up and be responsible? Is life all about YOU?

Funny but these are all the things I used to talk about and observe when I worked in the Jr. High. There were excuses made for every wrong doing because of their age. The age is difficult and you somewhat expect some of these behaviors from 12, 13, and 14 year olds. Being able to be there for them is very special for me because it is a hard time. I helped at Oasis last night and this group of jr. highers was different. Not that they don't have the same things going on in their journey but they have the love of God and the group that surrounds them every Wednesday night. I love it. It is where I am meant to be.

Now, on another note...if you are an adult and you are acting like a jr. high student and playing the game of life with disregard, then maybe you need to really look inside and then quit justifying your actions with excuses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is interesting. I am not a "regular" church goer, but most of the "Christians" I know are also the most judgemental people I know. Going to church each week does not make one a Christian, but rather the love that you have in your heart is the best indicator. I wish that more "Christians" would truly walk-the-walk rather than find fault in others. Your blog is very captivating- thank you for sharing all you do.